Towed Video Surveys are an effective approach to characterize the seafloor at discrete locations, and to map the spatial extent and nature of complex habitats. These surveys often augment the point data collected from planned station locations through continuous data collection over a defined area.
A video sled with accompanying LED lights and a scaling laser is towed for the length of a designated transect(s) in order to document benthic conditions on the sediment surface. The video data is analyzed to characterize the surficial sediments including documenting the presence of any sensitive taxa in the area.
In this approach, a survey design is executed with SPI/PV at planned station locations. When seafloor habitat characteristics are encountered (identified from real-time review of SPI/PV imagery) that could trigger flexible/additional sampling effort (e.g., identification of sensitive, rare, or unexpected species/habitat), towed-video is used to spatial delineate the seafloor habitat at a greater resolution then the planned design.