INSPIRE has a long history of executing surveys that require the assessment of benthic community analysis (BCA) and sediment quality sampling (sediment chemistry), from our Integrated Sediment Management team in support of suitability and feasibility studies for dredged material monitoring and contaminated sediment assessment.
Sediment grab surveys are often employed in subtidal benthic surveys (in “soft-bottom”) for benthic community analysis of infauna, sediment chemistry, and tissue analysis. Taxonomic analysis of sediment grab samples provides information on the benthic community composition and infaunal abundances, and can be used to make loose inferences to relate presence and counts of taxa to biological activity and ecological value or function. Sediment chemistry provides an understanding of potential toxicants in the sediment that could result in environmental harm, and tissue analysis helps determine if bio-uptake of any toxicants is occurring in the environment.