Forward Scouting: Use of Sediment Profile Imagery in Conjunction with
Multibeam Echosounder Mapping for Offshore Wind Cable Routes and Site Characterization
When limited site-specific data are available, cable routes can be de-risked from a construction and permitting perspective by conducting reconnaissance level surveys prior to full scale geophysical, geotechnical, and benthic field campaigns. Efficiencies, and substantial cost savings, can be realized using this Forward Scouting™ approach to cable route optimization. Similarly, INSPIRE uses an adaptive sampling approach that is highly effective at characterizing complex habitat and supporting agency interactions.
The Forward Scouting™ approach informs cable route evaluation, optimization, and selection for identifying the survey area for the full scale geophysical and geotechnical survey to support environmental permitting.
Expensive geophysical vessel time can be saved by using a collaborative Forward Scouting™ approach.
INSPIRE has conducted numerous benthic surveys in support of offshore wind development and has successfully led two Forward Scouting efforts using SPI/PV in combination with geophysical data collection. INSPIRE led the 2017 New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) multibeam echosounder (MBES) and benthic survey for development of the NYS Offshore Wind Master Plan; and in 2022 INSPIRE, in collaboration with the autonomous surface vessel company XOCEAN, conducted a Forward Scouting™ benthic assessment survey along proposed export cable routes for a wind farm to be proposed within the Attentive Energy Lease Area (OCS-A 0538) in the New York Bight.