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INSPIRE’s Dr. Drew Carey Invited to ICES Annual Working Group on Offshore Wind Development

This past week Dr. Drew Carey co-chaired the panel for the International Council for the Exploration of the Seaโ€™s (ICES) Working Group on Marine Benthal and Renewable Energy Developments (WGMBRED) during their annual meeting in Brussels. ICES is the worldโ€™s oldest intergovernmental science organization and Dr. Carey joined the conversation between international scientists moving forward […]

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INSPIRE Wins Two Prime Contracts with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

INSPIRE Environmental has been awarded two, 5-year, $5M prime contracts to support the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in New York and New England.ย  Under contract with the New York District, INSPIRE will provide scientific and engineering services for monitoring dredged material at the Historic Area Remediation Site (HARS) off of New York and New […]

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INSPIRE Joins Cutting-Edge Incubator Space in Downtown Newport

INSPIRE is making moves! INSPIRE is excited to announce our move to Innovate Newport, a co-working and incubator space opening in early 2019. Formerly the Sheffield School, Innovate Newport will host INSPIRE and expand our operations with a fiber-optic internet, a beautiful modern office space, and opportunities for community engagement in downtown Newport. Occupying roughly […]

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