Benthic Monitoring Plans and Implementation

We specialize in developing and implementing benthic monitoring plans that assess construction and operation impacts on seafloor habitats, ensuring sustainable practices, informing cumulative effects studies, and fueling adaptive management strategies to avoid adverse impacts on benthic ecosystems.

Monitoring the response of the benthic ecosystems to human activities

Benthic monitoring of offshore wind and other marine infrastructure projects involves assessing seafloor habitats to quantify any adverse effects resulting from installation and operations. Benthic monitoring tracks ecosystem changes resulting from the habitat conversion, ensures installation practices minimize adverse effects, and guides adaptive management strategies to protect and restore benthic environments.

Benthic monitoring of dredged material disposal and contaminated sediment site management involves assessing seafloor conditions and tracking changes in benthic function. It ensures proper management of sediment impacts, evaluates contamination levels, and guides remediation efforts to protect and restore affected marine environments.

Related Projects

South Fork Offshore Wind Project

We designed and are implementing targeted boulder studies for the South Fork Wind and Revolution Wind projects.

Related Projects

USACE New England District Environmental Services Contract

We developed specialized monitoring guidance in partnership with USACE New England District on evaluating beneficial-use of coarse grained (cobbles, boulders) dredged material through its placement at offshore disposal sites.

Related Projects

Empire Wind Offshore Wind Project

We developed a comprehensive Fisheries and Benthic Monitoring Plan that integrates targeted studies to document fish and benthic responses to the Empire Wind project development.

Benthic Mitigation and Monitoring Plans Enable Sustainable Development

Elements of Benthic Mitigation and Monitoring Plans and Implementation

Innovative Data Collection Technology
The use of high-resolution imagery derived from a variety of platforms enables flexible and adaptive surveying.
Benthic Assessment is the Foundation for Mitigation and Monitoring
Our world-class benthic assessment capability supports benthic monitoring plan development.
Specialized Techniques for Monitoring Hard Bottom Habitats
We incorporate high resolution stereo imagery and video collection to develop 3D photogrammetric models.
Hard Structure Monitoring Also Supports Engineering Monitoring
Use the same survey to fulfill environmental and engineering monitoring requirements.
Environmental Compliance
Monitoring studies ensure adherence to regulations and permit conditions.
Adaptive Management
Monitoring studies provide data for tracking effectiveness, adjusting strategies, and fueling adaptive management.
We provide trusted expert support with a proven track record of success

Interested in Benthic Mitigation and Monitoring Plans and Implementation?

Contact INSPIRE Environmental today for additional information about our services.