Data Visualization

The value of data is amplified when it is made understandable and accessible. Our data visualization specialists work closely with our scientists to ensure that we provide customized, scientifically robust, and engaging data visualization products and tools for our clients and their stakeholders.

We believe in data democratization, and develop custom interactive data visualization tools that ensure data results are accessible, understandable, and transparent.

Our Popup map, an interactive data visualization tool, is known as an engaging and accessible platform for sharing data with our clients and with regulators. This platform allows users to explore multivariate data on their own and promotes transparency during permitting reviews.

Working closely with our hard bottom benthic ecologists, our team is developing tools to support the assessment of function from structure and to communicate these results through 3-D models that can be viewed from multiple angles.

INSPIRE’s web-based interactive Popup Maps showcase how our data visualization solutions can unify diverse geospatial datasets in a user-friendly online platform to support data exploration and informed decision-making.


Our StoryMaps simplify complex data

We craft engaging, interactive reports with web-based tools like StoryMaps, making it easy for teams and stakeholders to connect, collaborate, and share insights.

Related Projects

Morro Bay, California Wind Energy Area Risk Evaluation Risk Evaluation, Fisheries Desktop Study, and Data Visualization Platform

We developed a Popup map to communicate the results of a desktop Risk Assessment related to the sale and purchase of a lease block in the Morro Bay Wind Energy Area. The Popup paired risk assessment results grouped by type with available public data and highlighted high-risk zones, impacts, and implications.

Related Projects

US EPA Dredged Material Monitoring

Our data scientists developed a a suite of interactive plots and maps to accompany a report on taxa documented using underwater towed video at the Mouth of the Columbia River Ocean Dredged Material Disposal Site. These plots enabled the U.S. EPA to investigate fine-scale patterns and results in the data that could not easily be displayed in static figures.

Related Projects

Sunrise Offshore Wind Project

The Popup map we created for Orsted’s Sunrise Wind Project was actively updated and used throughout the EIS and EFH Consultation process to support federal agencies in reviewing proposed Alternatives and potential impacts to benthic resources.

Related Projects

Mapping Seafood Waste Impacts

For more than a decade, scientists from INSPIRE have been delineating the footprint and studying the environmental impacts of seafood waste discharged from floating and land-based processing plants for both state and federal regulators as well industrial clients.
Related Projects

Attentive Energy Export Cable Routes Forward Scouting Survey

Data Visualization Facilitates Transparency and Collaboration

Data Visualization Tools and Offerings

Interactive Web Maps “Popups”
Customized interactive web mapping tool puts data in the hands of developers and regulators for data exploration and decision-making.
Story Maps
Engaging delivery of spatial data in concert with narrative text and imagery.
Interactive plots
Graphical interface for data plots that allows users to dynamically view and interact with data results.
3-D modeling
Three dimensional reconstructions of underwater structures and habitat.
Popup Maps support multiple use cases
Popup maps support site and constraint analysis, review of desktop data, and presentation of survey results.
Customized visualizations
We customize the visualization tools we use to meet each client’s needs.
We provide trusted expert support with a proven track record of success

Interested in Desktop Analyses, Risk Assessment and Constraint Mapping?

Contact INSPIRE Environmental today for additional information about our services.