Fisheries Outreach

Inspire fisheries scientists work with developers to engage with stakeholders with varied marine interests. Inspire offers services to Indigenous Tribes to develop fisheries monitoring studies that consider diverse interests.

Marine fisheries resources are culturally, ecologically, and economically important to a diverse set of communities.

Inspire Environmental is partnering with InContext to facilitate incorporation of Indigenous Tribal fisheries concerns into the development of Fisheries Monitoring Plans.

Commercial and recreational fisheries representatives are integral to planning monitoring studies conducted by Inspire and are commonly contracted as captain, vessel and crew of the monitoring efforts.

Related Projects

Block Island Wind Farm

We developed a protocol to document outreach activities between Orsted personnel and fisheries-related stakeholders.

Related Projects

South Fork Offshore Wind Project

INSPIRE developed stakeholder engagement and science education tools for fisheries communications.

Stakeholder and Tribal Outreach

Methods of stakeholder engagement

Developers employ Fisheries Liasons who interact directly with commercial and recreational fisheries representatives to keep the fishing industry informed about project activities.
Fisheries laisons meet fishermen at the docks and piers and can be contacted to provide project updates.
Inspire summarizes outreach efforts and records engagements with stakeholders
Accounts of meetings fulfill regulatory requirements and provide information on the number, location, and timing of interactions with stakeholders.
Local knowledge gained through outreach efforts improves project success
Collaborating with fishermen to minimize potential impacts and avoid unexpected roadblocks during later stages of project development.
Coexistence between marine uses is best achieved when conflicts are resolved quickly and fairly
Navigation enhancement, gear claim, and other programs as well as continued communications build trust between offshore wind and fisheries stakeholders.
Inspire’s collaboration with InContext provides a consultation service for Tribal engagement
Tribal input can be established through regular communications involving Tribal Liaisons regarding fisheries monitoring survey protocols and implementation.
Tribal knowledge and customs convey fisheries history for a species
Tribal science and perspectives contribute to developing Fisheries Monitoring Plans, while the need for capacity building for study design and review is recognized.
We provide trusted expert support with a proven track record of success

Interested in Desktop Analyses, Risk Assessment and Constraint Mapping?

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