Our scientists conduct essential environmental studies and develop technical reports, BOEM Construction Operations Plan (COP) sections, mitigation strategies, and monitoring plans in support of permitting and NEPA impact analysis. We develop tools and presentations to support public outreach and work collaboratively with teams to support regulatory efforts including COPs, USACE permits, Water Quality Certifications, Essential Fish Habitat Consultations, and environmental construction compliance.
We support project planning with desktop studies and weighted risk assessments. These targeted, early-stage services can inform site selection and micrositing infrastructure to minimize impacts on sensitive resources, helping to avoid triggering additional regulatory requirements and ensuring smoother project approvals.
We assist clients with permitting strategy and agency consultations. Our data visualization tools simplify agency negotiations. We conduct marine science surveys, prepare technical reports, contribute to impact analyses, and develop mitigation and monitoring plans. We also implement monitoring and support environmental compliance during the construction and operation phases of projects.